September 22, 2012 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the September club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Raulf Polichar, Alex Sibbald, Bob Graves, Dale Minard and Bill Brown.

Show and Tell:

Alex brought in his model of Liberty Station which once completed will reside on the window display. Latest progress has been the completion of the tile roof and the framing of all the window and door openings.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $90.00 in donations in September of which $49.50 came from donations received during the SDMRM visit.

Old Business:

PY4/PY5 Passing Siding:

The turnout is ready for installation. A work session has been planned for Friday, September 28.

Lift bridge module:

This module has been assigned top priority status. We would like to have it available for our next show. General consensus is that the design must feature a rigid base.

Window Layout:

Our activity counter recorded 998 hits since last month’s meeting. This project has been on the back burner as we concentrated on other projects. It now needs to move up in priority.

SDMRM Labor Day Visit:

The visit to the museum went very well. We were well received and Dale reported passing out 300 Junior Engineer Badges (stickers) over the 4-day event. The museum has no permanent S layout but we had 300 young S gauge enthusiasts who wore San Diego S Gauge on their shirts as they toured the museum and Balboa Park. The plastic channel that we applied to the top of our Plexiglas is a big improvement in appearance and safety. We will be doing all the Plexiglas but are checking for channel that would fit tighter.

Inside Staging area:

We are suspending progress in order to concentrate on higher priorities.

Upgrade SDSG Website:

Bob is working on installing the Land’s End order form on the club web site to facilitate the ordering of club shirts.

PY3.5 Progress:

This new module was installed into the layout when we set up after the museum event. Bridge rails have been constructed, the track has been tested and some ballasting has been accomplished. Several tracks could use some minor alignment adjustments, which require a workday when we are not operating.

Name the main layout:

Few suggestions have been submitted. San Diego and Arizona Western Railroad seems to be the most popular to date.

New Business:

Content Insurance:

Mike is looking into content insurance for our club.

Future Clinics:

We will be expanding our clinic sessions to encompass other subject areas as well as engine repairs. The club plans to meet for a 3-hour session before each monthly Saturday meeting. We are considering having some work sessions before our open to the public sessions on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Next Open House:

We agreed upon an open house on October 20 with a Halloween Theme. The event has been listed on the Liberty Station Website and Facebook. The open house will be listed in the events section of the Point Loma Association newsletter.

Future events:

Future meetings are scheduled for Oct 27th, Nov 17th, Dec 8th (?) and Jan 19, 2013.

Bob volunteered to have our meeting at his house in December following the GTE on the evening of December 1st.

Mike proposed an activities calendar for 2013, which includes open houses and shows. Members will review and comment at next meeting. First suggestion was a spring open house during March.

The World’s Greatest Hobby Train Show is coming to the Del Mar Fairgrounds on the 9th and 10th of February. NASG has asked us to be their coordinators and man the NASG booth. We have accepted and will take shifts at their booth. Plan is to have an oval of sectional track with an operational train, 2 modules for a static display, Bob’s Building blocks, a slideshow and a demo of our website.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

August 2012 October 2012