July 19, 2022 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the July club meeting at our clubhouse and on Zoom. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Ken Sadlock, Robert Graves, Scott Lewis, Dale Minard, Raulf Polichar, Al Kiel, and Don Briggs.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Dale shared his new NASG Convention Car, Scotty shared his trip to Train Mountain, Oregon, for a live steam event and showed a map of the site. Had a conversation on the Truckee, Virginia City, Carson City railroads.

Treasurer's Report:

Made a profit of $71.04 in June. Sold $62.19 of trains at the AGTTA. The FREE table continues to be popular. Last Tuesday, Dan and Donna Peterson came into the Club House and was very impressed with the layout. They sent a donation to the club of $250.

Standards Report:

The new turnout has been cut and fit. An Amtrak engine has problems with the wipers. There was a discussion on track cleaning. Several articles say kerosine or mineral spirits work best. The Streeterville track is gumming up weekly. Raulf will try different track cleaners.

Publicity Report:


Library Report:

Model Railroad Craftsman magazines have been scanned 1990 to present. Working on scanning NMRA magazine 1990 to present. QR codes are on the wall near the train display case for articles on model railroad information.

Old Business:

Website Update:


New Clinics:


SN3 Addition Status:

Dale will put out a request to the community for help with hand laying S/Sn3 track.

Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

From 06/19/2022 to 07/16/2022 the Window Layout Button 1 has been pushed 2,242 times and Window Layout Button 2 has been pushed 1,752 times for a total of 3,994 times or 229,202 times since Feb 2016 when we first installed one at Grossmont Center and 268,760 times since day one at Liberty station.

New Business:

Covad-19 Update:

After a brief discussion it was agreed that we will discontinue mandating Covid-19 protocols for the time being. Members are encouraged to wear masks if they want to or if visitors prefer to.

Future events:

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays, August 16th 2022 and September 20th, 2022 and will be held at our clubhouse and on Zoom. During the August meeting the work schedule for the PSR regional convention will be firmed up.

Gilbert Town Transformer:

No progress on troubleshooting the Gilbert Town transformer volt meter. The next thing to do is open the unit up and disconnect the volt meter.

We set the voltage at less than full until the voltmeter is disconnected.

Club Mural:

The barn door hardware has been obtained, can start hanging and painting.

Lego Build day:

The next Lego build day will be held on Saturday, August 27th in front of our clubhouse.

Liberty Loop Layout:

The RS-3 has been fixed. The 283 was broken and replaced on front wall. Street lights were added. A “creeper” is available for working under the layout, will be checked out today.

Other Items:

The engine shed base is complete, all supplies to complete the engine shed and the freight station are in hand.

Mike will be on vacation from July 22nd to July 30th and from August 24th to August 30th.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

June 2022 August 2022