February 27, 2010 - Meeting Summary

Alex Sibbald hosted SDSG’s February meeting. Attendees were: Bob Graves, Peter Gagnon, , and Alex Sibbald. The weather was imitating the great flood, but as fortune would have it, Bob and Peter’s arks both washed up on the shores of the hill where Alex lives. The following more serious subjects were covered.

S Fest West Planning

Peter reported that he has been corresponding with Jeff Kruger of Southern California S-Gaugers about SDSG’s possible participation in the upcoming S Fest West event. Jeff indicated that he’d look into the possibility of the conference hotel being able to provide secure, indoor storage for SDSG modules on the Friday evening before the event. Also discussed was the idea of only bringing four or six of our straight modules to the event, rather than a full loop with corners. Peter will be exploring these questions with Jeff and will report back.

Treasurer’s Report

Bob presented an updated financial statement through January 31, 2010. The principal change was reporting of dues of $192.00. This included both recognizing prepaid dues of several current members as income for 2010 and one new membership. Additional statements are available from Bob for members who would like one.


Alex reported that information on SDSG’s participation in the December GTE show and the January meeting was sent to the NASG Dispatch and the San Diego Division, PSR-NMRA Mail Hook for inclusion in their club news sections.

Forward Planning

We’ll work on setting up a worksession in the near term using email. Also, it’s time to tally the costs for 2009’s module building session. Peter will contact San Diego Model Railroad Museum about possible 2010 visit dates. Alex and Peter will work on contacting the Poway All Gauge club about SDSG participating in their layout display event.

Other Items

Bob reviewed and marked up the draft instruction sheet titled “Controlling Turnouts with the LH100 DCC Throttle.” The recommended changes will be incorporated and the instruction sheet will be redistributed.

Next Meeting

Saturday, March 27, 2010. Time and location to be announced.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

January 2010 July 2010