November 21, 2015 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the Nov club meeting at our new location at Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Alex Sibbald, Dale Minard, Ken Sadlock, Bob Graves, Wes Noel, Bob Graves, Les Smith, and Don Briggs.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Mike Forys displayed the Land’s End catalog with a bag sporting our club logo on the cover and a printout of the S Fest West meet data in Monrovia next May. Les Smith brought in some dental tools to distribute to interested parties.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we received $177.25 income and had $864.76 in expenses as of Oct 31st.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar is working on the switches that we need to lay track on the three new Gilbert Town Modules (30”)

He also is working to improve the coach lighting on the Amtrak cars.

Publicity Report:


Old Business:

SDSG Website:


Halloween at Grossmont Center:

We opened the clubhouse on Halloween and had 1,640 visitors. Since installation at Grossmont Center, the window layout button has been pushed 2,126 times as of 11/12/2015.

New Business:

Christmas at Grossmont Center:

The club replaced the Halloween Ceramic Village with the Winter Ceramic Village. We have been averaging about 600 visitors per day in the first weekend.

Beyond Christmas at Grossmont Center.

Mike Forys will be sitting down with management of Grossmont Center soon to discuss our status during 2016.

He queried everyone at the meeting regarding commitment to being open every week while we are there. It was decided that we would offer to be open two days a week most weeks, and support special occasions that Grossmont Center would have.

501(c)3 status:

Our application for 501 (c) 3 status has been approved by the IRS. Next step is the Franchise Tax Board.

Future Clinics:

The club is looking forward to a clinic on DCC operation specific to our layout to allow every member to have the ability to operate the DCC trains.

2016 Calendar

Mike Forys presented a proposed calendar for next year. The club voted to accept it during the November meeting.

Future events:

The December 19 meeting and January 16 meeting will take place at our Suite in Grossmont Center at 10AM.

Our participation at the GTE show scheduled for Valentine’s Day weekend next spring is doubtful if we are allowed to stay at Grossmont Center.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

October 2015 December 2015