March 22, 2008 - Meeting Summary

SDSG's March meeting was hosted by Mike Forys. Attendence was light, possibly due to its being Easter weekend. The most important results were that progress was reported on a number of fronts.

Modular Standards. Jeff Kruger responded on behalf of SCSG, our neighbors to the north, that they are using the S Mod standards with American S Gauge code 172 track. This brought up a question of whether code 125 track, such as that made by S Helper Service is tall enough for American Flyer flanges. Alex Sibbold agreed to try to run that down. Also, Mike Forys has been researching S Mod standards on the web and will have some recommendations for us next meeting. Also discussed was the idea of building a set of four S Mod compliant corner modules for the club.

Club Logotype. Alex had about ten or a dozen sketches of propose logotypes for SDSG. Thanks are due to his artist friend for some really terrific ideas. Because attendence was light, selection of a logotype was put off to a future meeting.

Public Outreach. Alex got a sample of S Gauge promotional brochures that are available from NASG at no cost to members. There are handsomely composed full color products that cover the high points of what S is, and provides references and addresses to other S information resources. These should be very useful for our planned public outreach events. Peter Gagnon noted that info is not yet posted on the Del Mar Fairgrounds website on an expected December 2008 train show. Anyone getting a heads up on date and sponsor, please share it with the group.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

February 2008 April 2008