February 22, 2022 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the February club meeting at our clubhouse and on Zoom. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Ken Sadlock, Robert Graves, Dale Minard, Raulf Polichar, Al Kiel, Lenny Carapezza, Scott Lewis, Don Briggs, Les Smith and Alex Sibbald.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Dale Minard built and installed several structures on the Liberty Loop window display. Mike Forys displayed the dam on the window layout using a textured paper that Dale also used for the walls on a small storehouse. Bob Graves brought in WD 40 soaking rust remover that he had success with. It can be used and afterwards washed down the drain.

Treasurer's Report:

This month Bob Graves reported $242.86 from clubhouse visitor donations in January. He also explained that the unusually high electric bill we owed was due to us mistakenly heating the clubhouse on days nobody was present. Mike suggested that we use the + and - buttons for temporary temperature adjustments and press the cancel button when exiting.

Standards Report:

The AF transformer that Raulf Polichar just replaced in the Liberty Loop control panel was unfortunately overheated and has been replaced. Raulf displayed the test box that he is building to attach to the test track that will allow for expanded capability and more precise voltage and current measurements.

Publicity Report:


Library Report:


Old Business:

Website Update:

Our website is now listed on "Google My Business".

New Clinics:


SN3 Addition Status:

Mike has installed several engines on the display to enhance the scenery.

Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

From 01/15/2022 to 02/19/2022 the Window Layout Button 1 has been pushed 1,480 times and Window Layout Button 2 has been pushed 1,581 times for a total of 3.061 times or 213,200 times since Feb 2016 when we first installed one at Grossmont Center and 252,758 times since day one.

New Business:

Covad-19 Update:

Mike Forys suggested that we continue to mask up when visitors are present and continue to follow social distancing protocol.

Future events:

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays, March 22, 2022 and April 19, 2022 and will be held at our clubhouse and on Zoom.


Liberty Loop Window Display received a lot of upgrades this month. Dale Minard and Mike Forys installed a lighted and rotating sign at the diner. Alex Sibbald replaced the two, sided motel sign that had burned out. Dale Minard installed sidewalk items in front of the business buildings and installed an eye, catching Ghostbuster Diorama that he put together. Mike Forys installed a stairway that he built near the dam that he also constructed.

Club Mural:

Mike Forys presented several pictures of train cars that could be models for upgrading our club mural. He will present a scale model to the club after he completes it. Les Smith suggested that we use Grossmont Central for the lettering on the train car.


PSR 2022 Convention is scheduled to be held in Kearney Mesa from September 7th to September 11th. The chapter asked us to bring the timesaver module. Mike Forys presented a list of projects items that we should complete before that time if we are to be on the list of open houses.

Club Layout:

Mike Forys and Wes Noel installed the roadbed on module C4 which will eventually allow for expanded train operations on the DCC side of the yard.

Other Items:

Mike Forys is looking for freight station ideas for that empty piece of track to fit in a space approximately 3 to 3 7/8 X 66 inches.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

January 2022 March 2022