October 26, 2013 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the October club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Bob Graves, Oakley Warren, Alex Sibbald, Raulf Polichar and Al Keil.

Show and Tell:

Raulf Polichar brought in a switch motor test unit that he fabricated. He also showed us a sample of a switch position indicator.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $150.85 in clubhouse donations during September.

Standard’s report:

Raulf Polichar elaborated on a potential system for all switch motors to be wired in the same fashion and module mating connectors wired to mate. Raulf had to repair one of the Amtrak engines by replacing the DCC module. Raulf also suggested a small two pin connector that could be permanently inserted into every position needing power for building lighting.

Publicity Report:

No report this month.

Old Business:


The ice house has returned to the layout with operating lighting. The track 7 turnout switch motor is ready for installation.


This module still needs switch control motor and clouds. (on-hold)

Lift bridge module:

The module has had the track realigned to reduce derailing incidents.

Window Layout:

Our activity counter has recorded a record total of 1339 hits in the last month. The guts of the doorbell button have been cleaned to get more consistent operation.

SDSG Website:

Bob added pictures of member projects.

Clubhouse Improvements:

Dale Minard has created and displayed signs to announce the participation of the Lego Museum and the High Tech High Art Department in the beautification of our clubhouse.

Fall open house review:

The open house on Oct 19th was a success and the addition of the scavenger hunt was well received. We took in $74 in clubhouse donations.

Donated Trains:

Bob Graves reported that the sale of donated HO items have brought in about $200 this month.

New Business:

Proposed calendar for 2014:

Mike Forys submitted the 2nd draft for the 2014 club activity calendar. It was voted upon by the members and passed unanimously.

GTE 2013:

We will be using our two test modules to increase the width of our modular layout by 4 feet at this year’s GTE show. Dale Minard is applying a vintage airport theme to one test module. The other module is available to be decorated.

Layout realignment:

The plan to turn the modular layout 180 degrees is scheduled for Monday, Nov 4th at 10AM. The realignment will enable us to install the new turntable/roundhouse addition.

Clubhouse Additions:

Dixieline has a sale on a first aid kit. Discussion followed and it was decided that Bob should purchase one and a fire extinguisher.

NMRA 100% Club:

Mike reminded the group that he has to submit paperwork in November for the upcoming year. Everyone should make sure that their individual NMRA membership is up to date.

2014 PSR Convention:

The convention will be at Courtyard by Marriott in Mission Valley from 9/3/2014 to 9/07/2014. We will be holding an open house for the attendees at the clubhouse. There is a schedule conflict with a potential SDMRR Museum visit next Labor Day Weekend which may cause us to forego attending or going at a different time. Mike Forys will find out when the layout visits are scheduled at the PSR Convention.

Operating sessions:

A discussion covered ideas to hold operating sessions on weekday evenings and what improvements need to be done to the layout to make the operating session realistic.

Future events:

Future monthly meetings will be held on Nov 16, and Dec 14, 2013. Our next event will be the GTE on Dec 7th and 8th.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:45PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

September 2013 November 2013