October 27, 2012 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the October club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Raulf Polichar, Alex Sibbald, Bob Graves, Dale Minard and Oakley Warren.

Show and Tell:

Alex set up the model of Liberty Station on the window display. It will leave again for installation of lighting and signage and return on Wednesday.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $56.00 in donations in September.

Old Business:

PY4/PY5 Passing Siding:

The turnout is installed and needs switch motor and the laying of track.

Lift bridge module:

This module will enter the construction stage on Tuesday, Nov 5 at Mike Forys’s house. To prevent the lift bridge from crashing down, screen door pistons or counter weights were suggested.

Window Layout:

Our activity counter recorded 1135 hits since last month’s meeting. The lake bed is being sealed with flex paste to contain the realistic water. The parking lot has been created next to Liberty Station and the road leading to it has been constructed as well.

Inside Staging area:

We are suspending progress in order to concentrate on higher priorities.

Upgrade SDSG Website:

Bob is working on installing the Land’s End order form on the club web site to facilitate the ordering of club shirts.

PY3.5 Progress:

Several of the tracks have been moved slightly to better align them with the adjacent module. The yard module has been ballasted and is fully operational.

October Open House:

The October 20th Open House went very well. The Liberty Loop showcased the new Liberty Station and the layout featured a Halloween Train that delivered candy to children.

New Business:

2013 Calendar:

Mike Forys submitted a proposed calendar for next year, which includes meetings, open houses and shows.

Budget submissions for CY2013 are due next month.


Mike Forys is looking into content insurance for our club. Our 100% NMRA Club renewal is due in November.

Future Clinics:

We will be expanding our clinic sessions to encompass other subject areas as well as engine repairs. The club plans to meet for a 3-hour session before each monthly Saturday meeting. We are considering having some work sessions before our open to the public sessions on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Next Open House:

It has been suggested that we hold an open house on December 15 from 11AM until 4PM. The club meeting will be held from 9:30AM until 10:30AM on that morning.

Future events:

Future meetings are scheduled for Nov 17th, Dec 15th and Jan 19, 2013.

The World’s Greatest Hobby Train Show is coming to the Del Mar Fairgrounds on the 9th and 10th of February. The two test track modules have been pressed into duty to be used as display modules at the NASG booth. Mike Forys has constructed a shelf display for each module complete with track, ballast and skyboard. SDSG will be the host club manning the NASG booth.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

September 2012 November 2012