January 21, 2012 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the January club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Raulf Polichar, Bob Graves, Alex Sibbald, Dale Minard, Roland Martinez and John Clary.

New Faces

We welcome John Clary to the club. John had American Flyer Trains as a youth and dabbles in O as well as S gauge. We would also like to officially welcome Jay Kruer to the club. He joined in the club in December but slipped in without fanfare. Jay resides in Coronado and has a layout.

Show and tell

Raulf brought in a semi-completed Hours of Operation sign that will replace the homespun sign in current use.

Alex brought in the completed citrus shed for the yard.

Club Elections

There was a motion to nominate the incumbents currently holding office to another term. The motion was voted upon and it passed. The officers were elected unanimously and are as follows:

President…………… Mike Forys

Accountant………… Robert Graves

Standards……………Raulf Polichar

Secretary……………Alex Sibbald

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer reported 2011, year end data and January to date account information. Dues were collected from those members who did not prepay.


Raulf is exploring ways and means to provide a single control switch for the outer main to switch between DCC, AC or DC and a position for programming engines. He is also considering several approaches to switch control including local switching control and central yard located switching control.

Old Business

Year wrap up

Mike went over the accomplishments we achieved as a club during the past year starting with our module building efforts before the NTS show and our exposure at that show. The combined NASG/NMRA event provided us with a wide variety of workshops and side trips as well as our exposure as a gauge and a club.

Lift bridge module

We are still pursuing different approaches to the design of this module.

Window Layout

The window expansion module has been completed and is ready for track. We have to determine best way to incorporate AF control track in order to add several AF accessories.

Club Shirts

Dale and Mike are gathering data for club shirts. Lands End has quoted us and we are reviewing the data. We need to move on this if we want to be properly attired for the NMRA tour in March.

New Business


The partitions that will extend 28’ across the clubhouse have been constructed and delivered to High Tech High. The art class is painting a mural on them for us. We should be seeing the fruits of their labor soon.

Modular Layout

Accessory lighting buss needs to be reduced to 12vdc to eliminate recent incidents of premature bulb burnout. Solutions include placing a load resistor across output of existing supply or replacing supply.

Meeting dates

The next meeting of 2012 will be held at the clubhouse on February 25 at 2:00pm.

We will be hosting the monthly layout visit of the local chapter of the NMRA on Saturday March 10, 2012. The clubhouse will be open for visitors from noon until 3PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

December 2011 February 2012