December 15, 2012 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the December club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Raulf Polichar, Alex Sibbald, Bob Graves, Dale Minard and Al Keil.

Show and Tell:

Dale Minard brought in a Lands End bag embossed with the club monogram. Dale also had his icehouse that he modified from the kit. It features interior detailing and lighting and will be installed in the yard. Al Keil brought in an EP5 Locomotive.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $35.36 in donations in December in addition to our show participation honorarium.

Old Business:

PY4/PY5 Passing Siding:

The turnout is installed and needs grass and the laying of track.


This module needs a switch control motor.


This module needs switch control motor.

Lift bridge module:

The Lift Bridge module base and side towers have been constructed. It is now residing at the clubhouse and is being worked on.

Window Layout:

Our activity counter recorded 905 hits since last month’s meeting. The motel diorama has been installed on the window layout and connected to DC power. The center portion has had a Lego town square with Christmas tree installed for the Holidays.

GTE Review:

The show went very well and the rain delayed long enough for us to slip in and out without any rain damage. Most of our effort last month was directed toward making the show a success. Our temporary helper, Apollo, was an eager helper in all aspects of setting up, tearing down and interfacing with the public. Set-up took over 5 hours but teardown only took 2 hours as we hurried to beat the rain.

Upgrade SDSG Website:

Bob is working on it.

U Channel discussion:

The new U Channel worked great at the show. We need some more pieces to complete the layout. Mike will order more.

New Business:

World’s Greatest Hobby Show:

Setup on Friday 02/08/13 from 8AM until 8PM. Show hours will be until 6PM on Saturday and 5PM on Sunday. NASG booth support will require 3 persons. Lionel Fastrack sectional track has been ordered from Doug Peck for the NASG booth. We will be receiving literature and table covers from NASG. The new MTH catalog will be available at the show as well as American Model’s catalog. The Lionel AF catalog will be 36 pages and should be available as well.

Future events:

Future meetings are scheduled for Jan 19, 2013 when elections will be held, February 23rd and March 23rd. Our next open house will be on March 16.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

November 2012 January 2013