Delivery Notes (DN)


The Delivery Note module is used to manage deliveries to Customers. When a Sales Order or Work Order is copied to a Delivery Note, the Specification is copied to the Item's Note field.


Main Menu > Workflow > Delivery Notes

How to create a Delivery Note

A Delivery Note transaction is generally copied from a Sales Order.

New Delivery Note from Sales Order

  • Open the Sales Order and click Actions > Copy to Delivery Note to open the Copy dialogue.

  • Select the relevant items and click the Copy button to create the Delivery Note.

New Blank Delivery Note

  • Click the New button on the grid view or from a Delivery Note.

  • Customer - Select a Customer and then select a Contact - if only one Contact is linked to the Customer, it will automatically be selected. Open Menu > Customer > Add/Edit to add a new Customer or edit the selected Customer.

  • Rep - By default, the Sales Representative linked to the Customer will be selected. You are, however, able to select a different Sales Representative.

  • Add Items - Items can be added to an invoice in various ways.

    • Select the item from the Item lookup above the Items grid view