
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 24/03/2022


Hikvision Module - The Hikvision module has been updated with improved Dashboard and Reporting functionality

Transactions - new Data Pipeline - Items_Est_Desc - Links to the transaction item and displays all the Estimate items where Desc (D) = True. Order by Parent OrderID, Item OrderID

CRM - You can now open the Transaction Dashboard from the CRM > Transactions view.

Inventory Locations - The Entity has been added to the Inventory Locations list view.


  • Fixed: The Help > Request Support button was not working

  • Fixed: The Transaction Timekeeping Data Pipelines were returning Errors: Trans_Timekeeping (Linked to Transaction), Trans_Flow_Timekeeping (Linked to Transaction Flow)

  • Fixed: The Supplier Category lookup in the Supplier module was not being refreshed by the global Refresh button.

  • Fixed: The Transaction Checklist was not updated when an Estimate was Saved.