
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 23/06/2022


Customers > Accounting > Contact (Statements) - This field has been added as a way to set a separate contact person to receive Statements. When this setting is blank, Statements will go to the default Contact.

Customers - An Entity filter has been added to the Customers list view. Customers that are not linked to Entities, will not be filtered. The filter is updated according to the Entity Access of the active user.

CAA - Contact and Email fields have been added to the list view, hidden by default.

CAA - Entity data - Data Pipelines have been added to display the masthead and images linked to an Entity. This Pipeline only works if an Entity has been selected in the data filter. A warning is provided when you have multiple entities in the DB and you output without filtering on an Entity. Data Pipeline: CA_BusEntity

Hikvision Dashboard - Fullscreen - Functionality to view Full screen has been added to all the charts in the dashboard.

Approvals - The Approval Request email now includes the Checklist Notes.

Transactions - Serial No's - Functionality has been added to view Serial numbers in the Transaction Edit Form - See Menu (Button) > Show Item Serial Numbers.

Timekeeping - A Customer filter has been added to the Timekeeping module.

Estimate - Selling Price - Functionality has been added to persist the selling price on a transaction when the item is converted to an Estimate. See https://sites.google.com/quickeasysoftware.com/bosenterprise-learning-centre/estimating

CSM - Notification - A few changes were made to the email notification to make it more mobile-friendly

Weighbridge - Transaction Integration - The weighbridge functionality has been upgraded to integrate with Transactions. See https://sites.google.com/quickeasysoftware.com/bosenterprise-learning-centre/integrations/weighbridge


Fixed: Production - The Tasks filter was sometimes ignoring the Project setting. When you double-clicked an empty Tasks grid, the edit form would still open.

Fixed: When the CAA filter was changed, the data was not closed by default.

Fixed: Hikvision dashboard - The colours for This Year/Last Year have been updated to be the same on all the charts.