

Settings play a key role in making BOS Enterprise one of the most configurable ERP's in the market. Every Setting has a default, so it doesn't need to be visible unless you are going to change it from the default.

The Settings module exposes all the Settings required to operate BOS Enterprise, including:

General Settings


Default - Estimate - Flatten the Description on the Item Note - (Default = No) When checked, the Estimate Description will be flattened in the Transaction Item Description by replacing carriage returns with commas. Captions will be bold and items will be separated with a semi-colon.

Calendar > Default: Auto-refresh Calendar (minutes) - By default the Calendar is not auto-refreshed. This setting can be used to auto-refresh the Calendar at fixed intervals (Minutes), and only when the Calendar is open.

Email - Email Stationery - This provides generic e-mail stationery for all users. If a User Setting Email Stationery exists, it will override the generic email stationery. The following tags, which will be replaced by values from the active user's account, can be used in the generic stationery.
