
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 08/07/2022


Weighbridge - GR - The IN records are now used to create a GR from the selected PO - previously they were updating a GR transaction. When a DN or GR is updated/created from a Weighbridge record, the Status will be set to the Default = Weighbridge Status, if it has been set up. See Weighbridge (Trekscale)

Approvals - The Progress field is now populated with Approval Complete when viewing Approved transactions.

Approvals - The user access setting has been updated to None, View only, Full Access. After this upgrade, Users who had access,, will have View-only Access.

Emails - Inbox - The Edit button (above Data) has been moved to the header and now also sets the email body to editable.


Fixed: The Inbox Data table was not opened by default when the Inbox module was opened.

The Output parameters for procedure STRING_REPLACE have been changed from varchar(100) to Blob sub_type 1 to avoid overflow errors. (This procedure is used by Inbox to extract data from the email body)

Inbox - The procedure that formats the body, now also Converts <br> to Returns, removes HTML Tags and Converts &nbsp; to spaces.