

The Transaction Status field dropdown has been updated to be sizeable.

Transaction User - A data pipeline has been added to expose all the fields linked to the User of a Transaction - Trans_User.

Pumps - A number of enhancements have been made to the selection procedure. The Pumps - Products have been removed from the Data Editor and can now only be updated in the Items.

Ledger - Menu (Button) > Open in Transaction module - This Ledger function allows you to open a transaction in a Transaction module if the Transaction has been added to the Menu.

Weighbridge - The Customer field has been renamed to Company and can now contain Customer and Supplier names. Suppliers are identified by a negative ID.

CRM - Email Excel functionality has been added to the CRM reporting views - applicable to the Gridviews.


Fixed: When a Transaction Item with a decimal quantity (eg. 1.5) was copied, the quantity was rounded off.

Fixed: The procedure that selects the Planning Board description was not working correctly.