Data Types


A number of data tables are available in BOS Enterprise. These can be used to:

  • Create lookup lists

  • Link to Items

  • Used for Estimating when the product is a single component

Every Data type has a matching input screen which is replicated wherever it gets used.

The General Setting > General > Default: Use Data Types is used to enable/disable data types in the Data Editor, Item Categories and Estimate Types.

Data Editor

The Data Editor is a fixed module that can be used to View and Edit the Data tables. It can be added to the Menu using Setup > Menus.

User Access to the module is controlled using the User Settings > Setups > Data Editor - Access Allowed setting. (Default = No)


Data tables can be linked to Item Classes using the Data Type field.


Data tables can be linked to Estimate Types by setting Input Type = Data table and selecting the applicable Data table. A field is provided to add the name of the Stored Procedure which will be used to calculate the Estimate and insert/update the Description, Materials and Services.


Data tables all have the following fields in common:

  • MATUNITID - Links to an Item (For Raw Materials / Products)

  • VATITEMID - Links to a Transaction item (For Products that need to be estimated)

  • LOOKUPID - Links to the data record from which the Item/Estimate was copied

  • DESCRIPTION - A trigger can be used to populate this field from the specification fields