

NCR - You are now able to edit the NCR Date.

Items - When an Item is copied, the Item Costing Status is set to Draft.

Cus/Sup Contact Edit form - A column splitter has been added.

Financial Statements - Pending Transactions have been added to the Dashboard (Accounting transactions not in an Accounting Status). The Accounting Errors, Accrual Accounts, Pending Transactions have been added to separate Tabs.

Flexo Engineering - Estimating Enhancements

Documentation: Flexo Tooling 

The following products have been added to the Flexo Engineering Estimate model:

Production Module Enhancements (Digital Production)

the following Items have been added to the Projects popup menu in the Projects View:

Task View - When you Copy a Task, the Project filter now remains intact (Previously it was cleared).

Functionality has been added to Delete a Task (Subject to User Access) - This will delete the Transaction Item and Header.


Bank Import - Standard (.csv) - This Bank import model has been updated to work with recent samples obtained by exporting from Standard Bank Business banking app.

Fixed: Transactions - When you set Menu (button) > Enable Debit and Credit, the unsaved changes in the Transaction Items were lost.

Fixed: Production - When you closed the Task Edit Form, you would experience flickering if a large number of Tasks were open.

When an Item is copied, the Item Costing Status now gets set back to Draft or cleared if the Item does not have a costing.

Fixed: When you opened the Pay module the first time, an error is returned: The Right Panel is empty.

Fixed: Transactions: Edit an Item (eg. change Dr/Cr Account), then click Menu (button) Enable Dr. and Cr.: The edits to the item were cleared.

Fixed: Accounts Setup: Warnings must not be applied to Account Groups. eg. Warning that Bank account is not linked to an entity.

The 'Updated' fields in all modules have been split to 2x Fields in normal font style.