

You are able to add an unlimited number of Customers to your database including Companies and Individuals. And in turn, you can add as many Contacts as you require to each Company. Documents and correspondence are always sent to a Contact Person linked to a Customer.

By default, a red Warning bar is displayed to warn you about the following: Blank Name, Duplicate Name, Duplicate Account No, No Contacts, Blank Accounts Contact.

The default Warning can be changed to a custom message using the Setting: General Setting > Alerts > Customer Warning Message

General Settings

User Settings

Customers - Access Allowed - Used to control access to the Customers module. Options include:

Data Filter


The Changelog can be opened from the list view popup menu or from the edit view by selecting Menu (button) > View Changelog

Changes to the following fields are recorded:

How to add a new Customer

Before adding a new Customer, always search the database to make sure the Customer does not exist already. 


The Accounting tab is only visible to users with full access to the Customer module. Important fields include:

Adding a new Contact (Companies)

Click the New button above the Contacts grid and populate the Name and Contact detail.

Right-click a contact and select Edit to view more detail.

Customer Categories

Customers can be linked to Categories, eg. Hospitality, Manufacturing, etc. From the Customer list view, click on Menu > Edit Categories.

Customer Regions

Customers can be linked to Regions. From the Customer list view, click on Menu > Edit Regions.

Positions (Job Descriptions)

 From the Customer list view, click on Menu > Edit Job Descriptions


The following data pipelines can be used on Output templates