

A General Setting > General > Caption for Entities (Singular / Plural) (Default = Entity / Entities) has been added. This is useful to define what your entities are.

Transactions > Procurement - Head and Manager fields have been added to this model. The Department, Head and Manager are automatically updated when the Requestor is updated. Department is selected from Parent level and up, Head and Manager are selected from the same level and up. The Motivation field has been deleted from this model, in favour of using the Transaction Note field.

Transactions > Contract Billing - A Serviced by (CBSUPID) field has been added to this model and is also visible in the Transaction List View.

Entity Filters have now been restricted to show only the Entities that the User is linked to - applicable to Customers, Suppliers, CAA, SAA.

Sales Trends - You are now able to view a Sales Budget in the Sales Trends report. The Customer, Rep and Product filters can now only be selected one of them at a time.

Job Summary - The Progress indicator is now grouped by Cost Centre.

Timekeeping - The Date filter now checks for records that Start or Finish in the selected period. (Previously only the Start date was checked)

Transaction Checklists can now be created/updated directly in the Transactions Setup module. The Checklists menu item has therefore been removed. 

Items Enhancements 

Inventory - Replenishment View Enhancements 

A Date filter has been added and the following fields have been added

My Organisation Enhancements

Work Processes Enhancements - See Work Processes 

Organigram Enhancements - See Organigram 

Planning Board Enhancements

Budget Enhancements

Tracker - Timekeeping Fix

Fixed: The linked Service was not populated to the Timekeeping record when the Planning Board Timekeeping mode was used.


Fixed: The Company lookup was blank on the Staff records after a new Company had been added.

The redundant Note field has been removed from Entities.

The Batch Updates for Work Processes 'Director' and 'Manager' were using Add/Clear buttons instead of Update buttons.

Transactions > Summary View - The Total field has been changed to show the Total exc. VAT in local currency.

The VAT % field in Transaction Items has been updated to show up to 2 decimals.

The Tracker settings have been removed from the Settings module - they can be updated in the Tracker module.

Fixed: The 'Hide Blanks' filter in the Inventory > Default View was not working correctly.

Fixed: An ... field PRODCODEID not found... error was returned when opening the Job Summary from a Transaction.

The query that selects transactions was optimised to improve speed when opening large datasets. 

Fixed: When a Customer Transaction was copied to a Supplier Invoice, the Customer Order No field was copied to the Supplier Invoice No Field.

Fixed: When the Timekeeping module was searched for a transaction number, the filter did not revert to the default Today.

Fixed a spelling mistake in the Planning Board > Timekeeping View > Batch Updates