

The Ledger module allows you to view all your Accounting transactions on one screen. Multiple Views are available including a Transaction View and a Detailed Ledger View.

A Recent button is used to enable easy navigation back to any of the last 20 Items that you have accessed. Visible in the List View and the Edit View. 

The list of Transactions that pops up under the New button is grouped by Customer, Supplier and other Transactions to prevent scrolling the popup menu. 

Note: Ledger transactions are created in the Ledger and do not replicate to modules.

Editing View

The following Warnings are displayed in a red bar at the top of the Editing View:

Menu (button)


Transaction View 


Note: Items in the Ledger can be multi-selected. The Footer Summary reflects the multi-selected items. 

Customer/Supplier Account

This view allows you to view all the Transactions for a selected Customer in the local Currency and in the Customer/Supplier's Currency. When you view the account in a Foreign Currency, only the transactions that were created in the Foreign Currency will be displayed. All the Transactions will be displayed when you view the account in the Local Currency, including the Forex Gain and Loss Transactions.

Data Filter


Ledger Allocations

When a Transaction is read-only from being linked to a VAT Reconciliation, you can allocate it (similar to how it works when a Transaction is read-only from being Allocated) 

The Outstanding Transactions to allocate are filtered to match the Transaction Entity.

The Clear (button) clears all Allocations at once. 

Context Menu

Right-click on Allocation for the following actions:


The available Data Pipelines include:


General Settings

Transaction Settings