
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 15/06/2022


Transactions - Contract Billing - A Billing Method (With a fixed lookup of Cash, Card, EFT, Debit Order and Other) has been added to the Contract Billing model. Other captions were updated to Meter DOM and Billing DOM.

Ledger - Items - The Dr./Cr. Category fields have been added to the Items grid, hidden by default.

Ledger - Items - Export - Functionality has been added to Email Excel/Export Grid the Items gridview

Production > Tasks View Enhancements

  • A Project lookup has been added to the Data Filter.

  • Week and Month fields have been added, hidden by default.

  • Functionality has been added to the Menu (button): Reset Data Filter, Email Excel and Export Grid.

CSM Enhancements

  • By default, CSM records are now ordered by the Status order in the list view.

  • Row spacing has been added to the Status lookup

  • The Status > Notification setting has been updated from a checkbox to None, Internal, All - All includes the linked Customer Contact


Fixed: The Stock Adjustment transaction was not being Totalled correctly (You had to resave the transaction to total the Items). The Debit and Credit Accounts were not being reversed for Issue transactions.

Fixed: The checklist linked to a Transaction was updated when the Transaction was opened, even when it was in a read-only state.

Fixed: When a GR transaction was set to Item Pricing = Inventory Receive (Actual) or Inventory Receive (Estimated), the Unit Price would not be set correctly when you copied from a transaction that used Supplier Pricing.

The Unit Cost and Fixed Cost columns on the Transaction Items are no longer hidden on Transactions that use Estimates, but not Sell Prices.