Customer Age Analysis


The Customer Age Analysis (CAA), also known as Debtors Age Analysis or the Debtors Control, is used by accounting staff to manage collections. The ageing report has columns that are broken into date ranges of Current,  30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days and 120+ Days and shows the total Receivables that are currently due, as well as Receivables that are past due. Unallocated Receipts are also displayed.

Multiple accounts can be selected to email a personalised message with an attached Statement or to print multiple Statements in one batch.

Note: The Total in the Transaction View might not match the Total in the Default View, because unallocated Receipts are only displayed in the Default View.

Create/Update a Service Ticket

The Service Manager (SM) can be used to manage outstanding accounts. Right-click on a customer to create or update a Service Ticket. If an Active Service Ticket, which is linked to the Customer (Account) type exists, it will be opened, else a new ticket will be created. The Reminder Date from the linked SM is displayed in the list view of the CAA - highlighted in red if the reminder date is prior to today. 


Customise the Customer Age Analysis (Sections & Transactions)

Menu Navigation - Main Menu > Setup > Settings > General tab.

Statement Contacts

Menu Navigation - Customers > Accounting > Contact (Statements)

This field provides a way to set a separate contact person to receive Statements. When this setting is blank, Statements will go to the default Contact.

User Access

Data Filters

Once filters are set, click View to refresh the grid.


Outstanding Invoices

The Outstanding Invoices are ordered by Date (oldest first) - The Total column works like a balance up to and including the Invoice.


You can send multiple, personalised email messages or statements in one batch. Multi-select the records that you want to send, click the Output button and select the Email menu item. Your emails will be created and saved to the Outbox from where you can check and send them.


CA_Filters - This pipeline exposes the Data Filter fields for use on Output templates.

CA_BusEntity - Displays the masthead and images linked to an Entity. This Pipeline only works if an Entity has been selected in the data filter. A warning is provided when you output without filtering on an Entity.  

Managing Overdrawn Customers 

Suspend Accounts

The aim is to prevent customers with a credit limit from placing further orders when they have exceeded their credit limit and are currently in a negative balance. By implementing this restriction, the company ensures that customers do not accumulate more debt and helps maintain financial stability within their business operations. Customers need to have a Credit Limit set in QuickEasy. If a customer's account balance becomes overdrawn and exceeds their credit limit, the system should block the user from creating new orders in the system. 


NB! This action will set all the Customers that are overdrawn to a Suspended status.

Note: Users will still be able to quote the customer as well as accept payment transactions and allow for allocations. 

Reactivate previously overdrawn customers

When a customer has successfully made a payment and is no longer considered overdrawn, it is necessary to reactivate the customer to enable them to place new orders. This reactivation process ensures that the customer's account is updated and allows for seamless linkage of new orders to the customer. 


 Note: This will reactivate the customer and allow users to place new orders against the customers.