

The Attachments functionality can be used to link online documents to Transactions, Items, Customers and Suppliers.  Users are only allowed to Edit or Delete attachments that they have added.



Attachments can be linked to Transactions at a header level and optionally at the Transaction Item level. Attachments can be viewed in the side-panel by clicking the Open Notes and Attachments button from the top-right of the transaction edit form. (Notes icon).

By default, the following Attachments are displayed:


Linked Images (.jpg, .png) can be used on output templates using the following data pipelines:

Flexo Tooling

When a Machine is selected in a Flexo Tooling estimate, the MachineID is copied to VATITEMS.MATUNITID field. This makes the attachments that are linked to the machine, visible in the Transaction.

Image Hosting

Images that have a direct link can be used in document templates.

See the video tutorial here