

Bank Import - A SA FNB - No FITID Check (.ofx) import option has been added - when this option is used, the entire file is imported, regardless of duplicate FITID numbers.

Transactions - Linked Staff - Functionality has been added to link multiple Staff to a Transaction. Currently, this functionality is only available on Task Transactions in the Production module. When a Transaction is copied, the linked Contacts are copied too.

Transactions - BCC Email - A Transaction Setting > BCC Emails to the following address has been added. When the setting contains a valid email address, all the emails that are output from the selected transaction will be BCC'd to the address.

Email - Entity Stationery - A Generic Email Stationery setting has been added to Entities. Email Stationery is selected in priority of User Setting > Entity Setting > General Setting.

Item Summary > Inventory > Batch Items - The following fields were added: GR Date, GR No. Unit Price, From.

Email Excel (Treeview) - The functionality has been updated to export treeview grids without expanding the nodes. eg. IS, BS

Suppliers - A Discount (%) field has been added to the Suppliers > Accounting tab. This field is used as a settlement discount in the Supplier Payments module.

Work Processes - An Hr/s field has been added - this is used as an indication of the duration or service level of a task.

Timekeeping - Batch Update functionality has been added.

Supplier Payments Module (SPM) - See documentation for this new module here: Supplier Payments (NB. Foreign Currency Supplier Payments with Discounts are not supported at this stage)

Production (Digital) Enhancements

  • Timekeeping - When a Timekeeping record has been stopped, it now becomes read-only. The Delete and Unstop actions have been moved to buttons in the footer. When you Unstop a Timekeeping record, the end time is deleted and the record becomes editable once again.

  • An SM No. field has been added to the Tasks grid view, hidden by default. The functionality to Open SM Ticket has been added to the Tasks menu.

  • Tasks - Assign - Multiple Staff can now be assigned to a Task on the Task edit form.

  • Project View - Status filters and Show Hr/s have been added to the Task panel in the Projects View.

  • Links and Attachments can now be added to a Task using the Task Edit Form.

Planning Board Enhancements

  • The Routing field in the Work in Progress view is now displayed by default.

  • Transactions - View/Edit Production Planning - You are now able to open the Planning Edit Form from Transactions that update the Planning Board - See Menu (button) > View/Edit Production Planning.

  • The Data Tags in the General Setting that generates the Task Description have been updated.

    • [TRANSREF] - Transaction Reference

    • [ITMDESC] - Transaction Item Description

    • [SERDESC] - Service Desscription

    • [ROOTASM] - Root Assembly Description (First level Assembly)

    • [ROOTASMCODE] - Root Assembly Code (First level Assembly)

    • [ASM] - Assembly Description (Direct Parent)

    • [ASMCODE] - Assembly Code (Direct Parent)

Tracker > Timekeeping Enhancements

  • The Complete/Spoiled quantity has been added to the Queue in Planning Board mode.

  • The Checkboxes in the Pause/Resume module have been enlarged and icons have been added to the buttons.


Fixed: The Planning Board Search function was executed after each letter/number was typed which caused delays.

Fixed: When a Task was set to Complete using Batch Updates in the Work in Progress View, the Tasks still displayed on the Board.

Optimisation - Added an index on STATUS.LEDGERID and optimised queries to speed up the bank import.

Fixed: A ...Stock FK Error... was in some instances returned when creating a Transaction from the Bank import.

Optimisation - The Links (button) dropdown menu now only populates when the button is clicked (previously it was populated each time you saved the transaction). Links have been limited to a 12-month period prior to or after the transaction date.