Pricing - Price Lists


Price lists can be used to set special pricing for different Customers. Customers can be linked to Price Lists in the Customer > Accounting tab. or by selecting Menu > Link Customers to Price Lists. 

Price lists are linked to Items with the same Currency. If, for instance, you want to create a USD price list, you first need to add  USD Selling Prices. This is easily done using the Batch Update: Add Currency (see below)

The VAT and /Qty, Roundup is the same on the Price List as it is on the Selling Price.

When a Price List is selected, the Auto-Update field indicates whether or not the Price List is automatically updated from the Cost or Sell Price. For example, Sell -10% (Green) indicates the Price List will be updated to the Selling Price less 10% and Cost +10% (Blue) indicates that the Price List will be updated to Cost Price + 10%.  When this field is blank, the Price List prices need to be manually updated.

Click Menu > Edit Price Lists to create a new Price List or edit an existing Price List.

An Edit button in the Price List edit form prevents accidental edits.

To view or update a Price List, select the Price List in the Data Filter.



Batch Updates (Price Lists)

Copy Price Lists

To copy a Price List, right-click and select Copy Price List.

How Price Lists Work

When an Item is added to a Transactions, the following checks are made to update the Transaction Price from the Price List: