Invoice Timekeeping


The Service Production functionality seamlessly integrates with Customer Transactions and Billing. Users can add Approved Timekeeping Records to Transactions (eg. Tax Invoices) and automatically calculate charges based on operator hourly rates. 

This document guides you to manage the Status of these records and to integrate Timekeeping Records with Customer Transactions. 

Note: It is recommended to Approve and add Timekeeping Records to the Customer Transaction on a daily basis. Keep the Customer Transaction in a Pending Status until it is ready to be billed and sent off to the Customer.


Customer Transactions

How the Transaction Item is created (Custom Item):

User Guides

How to Capture an Operator Hourly Rate

How to Approve Timekeeping Records

Edit View

Batch Updates

How to Create a Customer Transaction

The examples used below are for Sales Orders and Customer Invoices, however, the same principle stands for other Customer Transactions