What's New - Ver 22

Upgrade Notes - BOS Enterprise 22

This document lists the Breaking Changes, Enhancements and Fixes that were made in BOS Enterprise Version 22 (The version number follows the last two digits of the current year). 

Important Note

Breaking Changes

Side Panel - The Side Panel functionality has been updated to a 2-Panel model - Left and Right. The default settings for the Side Panel have also been removed.

Auto-close - The Setting to Auto-close the application by X minutes has been removed.

Startup - The default Startup Transaction functionality has been removed from the Menus module - it was a very small productivity win and often caused problems.

Account No. Prefix - Functionality to prefix Account Names (ie. Ledger, Customer, Supplier accounts) with the Account No. has been removed - all the lookups now use a ‘containing’ search which filters on both Name and Account No.

Company Caption Setting - The Setting to set the Company caption has been removed.

Customer Action Menu - The Transaction and Workflow items have been removed from the Customer action menu in favour of using the CRM module.

Fax No. - The Fax No. field has been removed from Customers, Suppliers and Staff

Item Classes - The Editing module functionality has been discontinued in favour of improving the Items module. Menu Items linked to Item Classes are deleted by the upgrade script. The Classes setup has been moved to the Items module. Classes have also been removed from Cost Centres. NB. Classes / Data Types need to be manually updated after upgrading.

Item Categories - Default Location - The redundant Default Location field has been removed from Item Categories.

Items - Usage - The Items Usage table (Editable in the Estimating tab) has been removed in favour of using the new Item Costing functionality.

Transactions - VAT Type filter - This functionality has been moved to a Transaction setting and is not automatically updated. See Settings > Transactions

Transactions - Cost Centre filter - This largely unused functionality has been removed. The Cost Centre field will now be available in all transaction Item grid views by default.

The Asset Register module has been removed in favour of using an Assets data type that integrates with Items. The upgrade script deletes the Asset Register table.

Estimating - Sizes - The size functionality has been limited to Length, Width and Height in mm. The Qty will be calculated as mm (Length), m2 (Length x Width), m3 (Length x  Width x Height).

The VAT Control module has been replaced by the VAT Reconciliation module. All the fields that were available in the VAT Control transaction list are also available in the VAT Recon module.

Output Templates that display the Estimate Item Note field need to be converted as the Note field has been converted from Plain text to Rich-text.

Output Templates that display the 50% Deposit field, DEPOSIT50,  from Transactions need to be converted to the new field DEPOSIT

Transactions - The Internal Notes field has been removed in favour of using the Transaction Dashboard Notes.

Production Module - The Production module no longer supports working with Estimate Items.

Attachments - Local Network - Functionality has been added to select files from your local network. NB. You will only be able to open these attachments if you have access to the local network.

Planning Board/s

Estimates - Description - The Estimate Description is now replicated to the Transaction Item's Specification field. The Note field on the Transaction Item now remains editable for EST items and it is no longer updated by the Estimate.  This may require changes to the Transaction templates that use Estimates.

Checklists - If you have multiple transactions linked to the same checklists, you need to copy the checklists before upgrading - the upgrade does not support multiple Transactions linked to 1x Checklist. It is highly recommended that you review your Checklist settings after executing this upgrade.

Timekeeping - The touch-enabled Transaction and Planning Board modes have been deleted, in favour of using the Tracker exe. The Qty1-6 fields and the Prod Code fields have also been removed. The Prod Code field will be copied to the Reference field when upgrading.

Optimisation - The redundant Dies & Cylinder tables have been removed.

The Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance modules have been removed in favour of using the new Financial Statements module.

The Transaction > Add Item Panel has been removed in favour of using the new modal item lookup form.

The General Settings that were used to determine the Estimate Description format for Materials and Services have been removed in favour of using the Item setting.