

Transactions consist of a Header that includes the Transaction No., Date, Customer/Supplier, Reference, and Order No. etc. and Items which include the Description, Qty and Pricing of the products or services that are being transacted.


Certain Transactions support multi-currency, for example, Quotations, Sales Orders, Customer invoices, Purchase Orders and Supplier Invoices as well as Customer/Supplier Payments and Refunds. By default, the Currency linked to the Customer or Supplier will be selected.

Transaction Links

When Transactions are copied, they are automatically linked. Click the Links button to open a linked Transaction. Alternately you can select Menu > Summaries > Linked Transactions for a more detailed view of all the linked Transactions


Transactions update your accounting at an Item level. Each item on an Accounting Transaction can update VAT as well as a Debit and Credit Account. Not all Transactions update Accounting, for example, Quotations, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Work Orders - these are control transactions that help you manage your sales, production and procurement. The Ledger module provides the functionality to view all your accounting transactions in one module.  Customer Invoices, Customer Credit Notes, Supplier Invoices and Supplier Debit Notes are in-module Accounting transactions. These transactions are created in the module and replicates to the Ledger. Note: Ledger transactions are created in the Ledger and do not replicate to modules.

Transactions > Menu (button)


Transaction Items are used to update the Inventory. The following fields affect how the Inventory will be updated:

Default Inventory Location: The selection of the Default Inventory Location takes into account the Inventory Location (Inactive Locations are not assigned by default)

Inventory View

Shows Inventory at an Item Level

Show/Hide fields

The following fields can be enabled/disabled in the Transaction Header.


Transaction Items can open to an Estimate. If there aren’t any estimate types linked to a Transaction, clicking the Estimate button will add a General Estimate, else clicking the Estimate (button) will open a dropdown menu that displays the Estimate options. 

Variables - When an Estimate linked to a Transaction Item contains Variable Items, you can right-click the item and select View/Edit Variables to edit the Variable Items.


The Transaction Setting > Default: Deposit percentage (Default = 50) can be used to generate a Deposit value on a Transaction. If a value is assigned to this setting, the Deposit % field can be adjusted on the Transaction edit form. The Deposit amount is calculated in the Transaction currency. Field names for Output templates: DEPOSITPERCENT, DEPOSIT.

Required Date vs Due Date

The Required Date is utilized to document the original date requested by the Customer. It is preferable for this date to remain unchanged once the transaction is in progress. The Due Date can be employed to indicate the actual delivery date, taking into account production limitations.

Both dates can be enabled/disabled using Settings > Transactions > Default: Caption for Required/Due date - if a caption has not been set for these fields, they will not be displayed.

Attachments & Notes

Notes and Attachments can be opened in the side panel and synchronized with Transactions - see the Notes button at the top right of the Edit form and Open Notes and Attachments on the list view popup menu. 

Delivery Address

By default, the Delivery Address on Customer Transactions is set to the linked Customer's Address.

By default, the Delivery Address on Supplier Transactions is set to the Address on the linked Entity. If the Entity Address is blank, the Address is set to the Company’s primary Address (Setup > My Organisation) 

Menu > Select Delivery Address - When using this option, Internal Addresses from Entities and My Organisation as well as all the Addresses linked to Customers in the same transaction flow are displayed. 

The Transaction Setting > Default: Show Delivery Address is used to determine whether or not Delivery Addresses are used on a Transaction. Default = No.

Transaction Totals

Landing Costs

Landing Costs can be assigned to Transactions by value. If you would like to use a different model, you can clear the landing Costs setting and edit the Landing costs field directly.

Copy Rules 

Copy Rules are used to copy Transactions.  A copy dialogue can be used to set the Status of the Transaction you're copying from, select the Items to be copied, and update the Qty on items to be copied.  Multiple Transactions can be selected and copied from the Transaction List View.  When the multi-select option is used, the Copy dialogue is not displayed.

Before you copy a transaction, the following is checked: 

Copy Rules Fields

Batch Updates

Batch Updates can be used to update multiple selected records in one batch.

Transaction List View

Access to apply updates is controlled by User Settings > Batch Updates - Batch Updates Allowed (Default = No)

Click Action (button) > Batch updates to open the dialogue.

NB. Batch updates need to be used carefully as they are applied to all the selected transactions, regardless of their read-only status. 

Fields that can be updated include: 

Transaction Edit View

Used to update multi-selected Items on a Transaction. They can only be applied to editable Transactions.

Fields that can be updated include: 

Output - Data Pipelines

Attachment Images