

This functionality allows you to obtain digitally signed Delivery Notes which update the Transaction status in real-time.

When the application opens, it will display all the Active Delivery Notes. (Where Status Group = Active). Optionally, only the Delivery Notes assigned to the logged-in user can be displayed.

Each Delivery Note record contains two rows. The top row displays the Transaction Code, Transaction No. Customer and Reference. The bottom row displays the delivery address.


Transaction Settings > Client App > Module: Delivery Confirmation - This setting identifies the Delivery Notes transaction. All the Active transactions will be displayed in the Tracker App. (Where Status Group = Active)

Role Settings > Client App > View Assigned Transactions only (Default = No) - If Yes, only Active Transactions assigned to the logged-in user will be displayed. This is a global setting for the Role, it's not linked to a Transaction type.

Transactions > Status - The default Complete and Part Complete Header and Item Statuses are used to update the Delivery Notes transaction.

How to

Select a Transaction and click the Deliver button to view the Items in the Delivery Note. Click the + Plus and - Minus buttons to adjust the actual quantity if it differs from the Transaction quantity.

If the Delivered quantity differs from the Transaction quantity, the status is changed to Part Complete.

If the Delivered quantity matches the Transaction quantity, the Delivery Note status is changed to Complete.

Note - The Name and Signature are mandatory fields