
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 07/04/2022

Templates that display the Note field from Estimate Items need to be converted. The Note field has been converted from Plain text to Rich-text.


Estimating - Notes - The Notes linked to Estimate Items (In the Input tab) have been converted to Rich-text. This was necessary to allow for Item Notes to be copied to Estimate Items.

Work Processes - A Complete status has been added to Work Processes.

Transaction Enhancements

  • When an item is added to a transaction, the header Assign to and Due Date fields are now copied to the item by default

  • The Item Type field (MAT, SER, ASM, OTH) has been added to the Item lookup grid view.

  • When you right-click on an item and select View/Edit Variables, the item is automatically converted to an Estimate before opening the Variables dialogue. If an Item does not have a linked Costing, the option is not available. (Previously you had to Convert to Estimate first before you could adjust the variables)

  • A Settings > Transactions > Output… > Default - Send emails to setting has been added. This setting can be used to automatically email transactions to one or more of the following: Transaction Contact, Accounting Contact, Rep, Assign to, User.

Items Enhancements

  • A Preview Note button has been added above the Item Costings grid view.

  • The Costings > Notes have been converted to rich-text

  • Batch Update functionality has been added to Costings


  • Changes were made to prevent modal forms from displaying incorrectly when running on Winflector using dual monitors. This was done by setting a minimum size constraint on all the modal forms.

  • Fixed: A 'multiple rows in singleton select...' error was returned in Transactions when duplicate staff codes existed.

  • Fixed: When a Custom Report, which did not have any filters, was added to the menu and set to open in the right panel, the data grid was not displayed when the report opened.

  • Fixed: When an item was added to its own Costing, a trigger is now used to prevent it from being added as an Assembly. This prevents recursive loops when the costing is added to an Estimate.

  • Fixed: When importing from the Online Library, the Supplier field was not updated from the setting on the Import Dialogue.

  • Fixed: When the Supplier was changed in Items > Costing, the VAT Type was not copied from the Supplier settings - the default general setting was applied instead.

  • Fixed: The Transaction Info was returning a Transaction vs Company Entity mismatch warning when the transaction was not using Customers or Suppliers.