
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 26/04/2022

The Ticket functionality has been removed from the CRM module in favour of using the CSM module.


Transaction Header Batch Updates - The Entity field has been added to the Batch Updates.

Transaction Item Batch Updates - The Debit Account and Credit Account fields have been added to the Batch Updates.

Estimates - Description - The Estimate Description is now replicated to the Transaction Item's Specification field. The Note field on the Transaction Item now remains editable for EST items and it is no longer updated by the Estimate. NB. This may require changes to the TRansaction templates that use Estimates.

CSM Enhancements - See CSM Documentation

CAA - Customer/Supplier Account - The stored procedure that selects the CAA for a selected Customer or Supplier (ACC_CUSAGEING_ID / ACC_SUPAGEING_ID) has been updated to work as a selectable procedure only, which does not update the AGEING table. This makes it easier to get a Customer/Supplier account detail without risking lock conflict errors.

VAT Control Enhancements

  • A Warning has been added if the Entity is blank.

  • Group Summaries have been added for the Total (exc), VAT and Total (Inc) fields in the Transaction gridview.

  • After transactions have been linked to a VAT Control, they are now set to read-only.

Meter Data Enhancements

  • Meter readings can no longer be linked to Transaction headers (In favour of using the Reading on the linked CSM Ticket)

Transaction Enhancements

  • The CSM No is now displayed in the Transaction footer, hidden by default if the Transaction is not linked to a CSM Ticket.

  • The Links button now only displays the last 25 Transactions in descending Order.

  • The Debit and Credit fields have been added to the Items View, hidden by default.

  • Batch Update functionality has been added to the Items View - including Debit, Credit, Item Status and Assign To.

  • The Batch Update and Update menu items have been moved from the Menu button to the Actions button.

  • A Remove button has been added to the Serial No. interface which can be used to remove multi-selected Serial No's. The Add / Remove Radio controls have, therefore, been removed - The Add button is now used to add serial numbers and the Remove button is used to remove serial numbers.

Item Enhancements

  • A Tracking option, Yield, has been added - when this option is selected you can enter the expected Yield Qty of the item.

  • Item Costings - Inherited - can now be inherited from other Items. Select Actions button > Use Costing from another Item

Asset Enhancements

  • An option has been added to link Meter Data to an Asset (eg. Cycles, Hours, Km)

  • The Item Code is now updated by the Reg No (Vehicles) or the Serial No

  • The Item Description no longer contains the Serial No.


Fixed: If duplicate items existed in a Price List an error was returned when trying to export the Price List to a .csv file. Duplicate Prices could exist if the Price List was imported. The speed of the Export/Import procedure has also been improved.