
Upgrade 22.01 (Beta) - Exe and Script - 04/02/2022


Accounting Period Date - The setting to use the Period date in Accounting has been removed in favour of using the Period date by default.

VAT Reconciliation - This module replaces the VAT Control and allows you to tag the transactions that are included in the VAT Reconciliation, including transactions that are out of period. After upgrading, you can create historical VAT reconciliations using the script provided in the Downloads folder.

CRM Enhancements

  • Added Lead Source to Customer Grid View - can be edited using Batch Update > Customers

  • Added Date/User Created fields to the Customers grid view, hidden by default.

New Charts

  • Sales - Selected vs Last - Bar chart that compares Entities, Reps, etc. for a selected date period and compares it to the previous year.

  • Sales - 12 months - Line chart that compares Entities, Reps, etc. over 12 month periods for a selected year.


  • Fixed: The L & R buttons were not showing the left and right panels - they could only be used to hide panels.

  • Fixed: The General Settings > Cost Updates setting to update Supplier Prices (All Suppliers and Prices) was not updating the Supplier.

  • Optimisation - The TRANSID field has been added to the TRIALITEMS reporting table.

  • Fixed: You were able to edit the CRM Sales Activity / Transaction Board Notes created by other Users.

  • Fixed: The functionality to Select email addresses was not working from the modal Email edit form.