

Customers - a Km field has been added to the Addresses table. This is useful when charging Delivery Fees / Service Fees based on the distance required to drive to a Customer.

Accounting - Functionality has been added to order the chart of Accounts. The order will be replicated to the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance. See Accounting Setup

When exporting Treelists (eg. Income Statement, Balance Sheet, etc.) to .XLS format, the Treeview levels are now maintained - previously, the treeview was expanded when exporting.

Work Processes - The Batch Update function has been moved to an Actions button.

Income Statement / Balance Sheet - a popup menu has been added to Full Expand and Full Collapse the Treeview.

Transaction - Linked Transaction No./s - We've added a Transaction Setting > Show linked Trans No./s from (Select the Transaction) (default = blank) - When a Transaction is selected, the linked Transaction Numbers (max 10) will be displayed in the Transaction View. For example, you could use this setting to display linked Invoice No's in a Sales Order Transaction View.

Transactions > Summary - Email Excel functionality has been added for the Pivot grid.

Transactions > Items View - The following fields were added to the Transaction Items View: Terms (Customer/Supplier Credit Terms), From (Transaction the Item was created from - this Header From field was updated to the Item From Transaction)

Transactions > Items View > Batch Updates - The functionality to batch update the item Qty has been added.

Checklists - Administrator - You are now able to link an Administrator to a Checklist. Administrators are able to Approve or Decline all the Manual, Limit and Override checklist items, but they don't receive notification emails by default.

Meter Data Module - an Average column has been added and is highlighted in red when the Average is higher than the current reading. See Meter Data

Production - Actions > Create an Item - this function is now enabled always (Previously, it was disabled for non-custom Tasks).

Production - The functionality to Save the layout for the active user only has been added.

Staff - A default Stage field has been added for use on the Tracking Planning Board module.

Service Manager - The Timekeeping now assigns the ST Reference to the Timekeeping Reference field.

Planning Board Enhancements

We've overhauled the way Tasks are assigned to the Planning Board with the addition of Workstations linked to a Cost Centre. See Planning Board

  • A Work in Progress view that displays all the Active Tasks in a grid view has been added.

  • The Planning Board now optionally supports the use of quantities linked to Tasks.

Tracker Enhancements

  • Added the Qty Complete and Qty Spoiled to the Active Jobs in the Timekeeping module - Format: Qty 10/2 (Completed/Spoiled)

  • Added the Version No. to the Transactions and Timekeeping views - if the Transaction uses Versions.


Fixed: When you set Enable Debit and Credit on a Supplier Transaction, you were able to change the Supplier account in the Item.

Transactions - Dr/Cr Account lookup. We've updated the functionality to list all accounts by default if you have not selected an Account Category in the Transaction > Accounting Setup. (Previously, the lookup would be blank until you selected an Account).

Fixed: A 'CURRENCYID not found..' error was returned when a Credit Check Alert was linked to a Transaction, and the Transaction was opened from the Items view before it was copied.

Fixed: The Timekeeping Images created in Tracker were in some cases linked to the wrong transaction.