Non-Conformance Reports - NCR


The NCR module provides all the functionality to manage and report on your NCRs from recording the Problem to the Final Evaluation. 

Data Filters are provided to search on Date, Category, Type, Customer, Supplier, Status and Staff. The Staff filter looks at the Owner and Assign to fields. The default Filter displays all the Active NCRs, where Status = All Active - not Complete or Cancelled. You are also able to search for an NCR by Number

Multiple Sections can be populated on an NCR, including Containment, Root Cause, Corrective Action, Preventative Action and Evaluation. The visible Sections can be preset on a Category or directly on an NCR using the Sections field.

The Status button is used to set the Status of the NCR Transaction. When the Status is set to Complete or Cancelled, the NCR becomes read-only.

Functionality exists to Output (Print & Email) an NCR or list of NCRs as well as to Export Grid/Email Excel the list view of NCRs.

The NCR Types that are supported include:

NCR Fields


Every time the Status, Owner or Assign to is updated, a timestamped note is added to the Progress list


Enter a list of the Staff involved in the NCR, as well as their respective Roles.



Multiple Links and Attachments can be linked to an NCR. Click Actions (button) > Add an Attachment to link a file to the NCR. This can be a link to an online document/resource or a link to a document stored on the local network. The Attachments are visible as hyperlinked text in the top right corner of the NCR.


Costs are displayed in local currency for Types: Customer, Supplier and Production related and include the following:

When Costs have been linked to an NCR, you are no longer able to change the Transaction linked to the NCR.

Transactions - Direct Costs

Transaction Costs are linked to an NCR by selecting the NCR on a Transaction. The NCR field is visible if the Transaction is a Cost transaction (See setting below) and it is in the same flow as the Transaction linked to an NCR.

Tracker - Labour Costs

When Tracking time against a Transaction (eg. WO) which is linked to an NCR, you will be prompted to select an NCR when you start Timekeeping. This will automatically link the Labour Cost of the Timekeeping record to the NCR. You are able to edit the Timekeeping records in the Timekeeping module if mistakes were made in the Timekeeping process.

Service Manager

All Customer Complaints and Queries should be logged in the Service Manager. In certain cases, the Complaint may be escalated to an NCR. Functionality has therefore been provided to create an NCR from a Service Ticket. 

Click Actions (Button) > Create a new NCR and then select the Category for the NCR (Only the Customer Complaint Categories will be available for selection) - this will create an NCR which is linked to the Service Ticket and then open the NCR. The Customer, Contact and Reference are copied from the SM to the NCR.

Note: A linked NCR can only be created from a Customer SM (Customer Complaint). If no Customer Complaint NCR Categories exist, the Create a new NCR menu item is hidden.


Reference lookup

Select Menu (Button) > Edit Reference lookup to View/Edit the NCR Reference lookup list


Select Menu (Button) > Edit Categories to View/Edit the NCR Categories. The Category setup includes a number of defaults that will be assigned to the NCR when the Category is selected, including the Type, Owner, Department and Staff. The Category fields include:

Multiple Transactions can be linked to the settings below:

Role Settings 

User Access

Role Settings > NCR > Non-conformance Reports (NCR) - Access Allowed - None, User, Administrator - Administrators can access the NCR Category settings,  Delete and execute the Actions to Approve, Cancel and Revert to Previous Status.


The NCR module can be added to the Menu using Type= Fixed and Module = NCR.