Weighbridge (Trek Scale)


BOS Enterprise can connect directly to the Trekscale database to extract weighbridge data at scheduled intervals. (See Trek Scale contact details below)

BOS Server is used to manage the integration using the Data Exchange Service. The Trekscale application runs on a MSSQL 2014 database and data is imported to the BOS Firebird database.


12 Bessemer Road, Heriotdale, Johannesburg, 2094

P.O. Box 40565, Cleveland 2022

Tel:  011 626 3490/8

Fax: 011 626 2029

Website: www.trekscale.com

Email: software@trekscale.com

BOS Server - Setting up

BOS Server uses the Data Exchange service to select data from the Trekscale database and update it to the BOS Enterprise database. 

DAT_WEIGHBRIDGE_INSERT - This stored procedure is used to Import the Weighbridge data. At the top of the procedure, you can find the Source SQL and Target SQL that is required to set up BOS Server. 

Default credentials for Source MSSQL 2014 DB:

Link to BOS Server Documentation

BOS Enterprise - Weighbridge Module

The dedicated Weighbridge module can be used to view and manage all the Inbound and Outbound weights that are recorded. 

This module can be added to the menu by selecting the fixed Weighbridge module.

Functionality is provided to export the weighbridge data in an Excel format.

Each Weighbridge record should update a single transaction, based on the settings below. 

The following fields can be edited when the Status is Pending:

Right-click a Weighbridge record to view the Changelog linked to a record.

Data filter 

The default data filter is No Date & Pending Status


When a new record is added, the Status is set to Pending and you're able to edit the Del No. and Order No. fields. When the weighbridge updates the linked Transaction (Delivery Note or Goods Received), the Status is set to Complete. Administrators can manually change the status. 




The following fields are included in the Changelog;


NB. Create only one each of the above Transaction settings.