24/05/2024 (Fixes)


Items - A User Setting > Items & Inventory > Items - Delete Allowed (Y/N - default = N) has been added.

Service Production Enhancements

Functionality has been added to Add / Remove named Data Filters. eg. Peter - Active; All - Active. The default filter is Today and it can't be deleted. When the Data Filter is edited directly, the Filter lookup is set to Custom.

The Task Start and End times are now automatically updated as follows:

The Ordering of Tasks in the Tasks View is now only enabled when the following data filters are set: 

When Tasks are in an ordered view, the Acc Hr/s (Accumulated Hours) field is populated, and sorting/filtering is disabled in the Grid View.


The icons for Repeat Headers on Estimate Types were updated to the previous blue icons set.

Fixed: After a second Item was copied from the Items List View, the Save button was not enabled when changes were made to the Items. 

Fixed: In some cases, the functionality to add a contact Group to an Email was not working.

Fixed: Estimate types - When the Qty Input params were used on an Estimate Type, the Adj% was incorrectly assigned to the Estimate.

Editing is now enabled by default when a copied Item is opened.

Fixed: Sales - Clicking the Next/Previous button in the Responses edit view, you would scroll two records.