

Bos Enterprise provides a number of different Estimating models including:

  • General Estimates

  • Estimate Types

As well as a number of industry-specific Estimating Models including:

  • General Engineering

  • Flexo Tooling

Cost Summary

Positive Adjustments (Markups) to items in the Estimate are added to the Value Added indicator and negative Adjustments (Discounts) to items are deducted from the Costs.

General Settings

  • Default: Estimating - Flatten the Description on the Item Note (Default = No)

  • Default: Roundup (R/U) for Materials (Default = 0)

Estimates in Selling Price Transactions

Estimates can be used in transactions that use Selling Prices, eg. Quotations. The Estimate can update the transaction item in two ways:

  • Cost Price only - The Estimate will only update the Cost Price to the transaction item and the User can override the Selling Price on the Transaction Item. When an item is added to a transaction (From the Items master), the Sell Price value on the Item will determine how the transaction is updated when it is converted to an Estimate. If Sell Price = Manual, then it will adopt this mode and the transaction Selling Price won't change when the item is converted to an estimate. Note: In this mode, only the Cost portion of the Estimate will be updated to the transaction, the markup/sell price on the Estimate will be ignored.

  • Cost and Sell Price - The Estimate will update both the Cost and Sell Price of the Transaction Item. In this mode, you can only change the Selling Price on the Estimate.

You can select the update option on the Estimate - See Pricing (Tab) > Menu (Button) > [] Update Cost Price only to the Transaction Item. This menu item is only visible when the transaction uses Selling Prices.

Tech Note: The field VATITEMS.ESTSETPRICEID is used for this functionality - 1 = Cost Price only; 0 = Cost and Sell Price. (Default)