Supplier Invoices (SI)


Supplier Invoice module is used to record all the invoices received from Suppliers and are in most cases copied from a Purchase Order.


Main Menu > Workflow > Supplier Invoices

Create a Supplier Invoice from a Purchase Order or Goods Received

1) Purchase Order to Supplier Invoice

  • Open the Purchase Order and click Actions > Copy to Supplier Invoice to open the Copy dialogue.

  • Select the items that were invoiced and click the Copy button to create the Supplier Invoice.

  • Capture relevant information (Eg. Supplier Invoice number supplied by the supplier)

2) Goods Received > Supplier Invoice

    • Goods Receive Transactions - Click the Copy button and select Copy to Supplier Invoice

How to create a new Supplier Invoice

  • Click the New button on the grid view or from an open Invoice

  • Supplier - Select a Supplier and then select a Contact - if only one Contact is linked to the Supplier, it will automatically be selected. The Invoice will automatically be updated to the currency linked to the Supplier.

  • Add Items - Enter a search string and then click on the Items lookup (Above the Items grid) to view the list of items that match the search. Select an item, add a Qty and click the Add button. (Keyboard shortcuts: Enter search box and type a Search string - Tab to Items Lookup - Spacebar to open Items Lookup - Arrow keys to scroll Items - Tab to Qty - Enter to add the selected item)


Supplier Invoices will be received for various items and, therefore, need to be disbursed to different accounts. To simplify the Accounting, all the Supplier Invoices will Debit a suspense account named Suspense SI, which is a Current Asset account.

The Suspense SI account is a temporary account that needs to be cleared before the end of every accounting period.