

Items - Price History - You are now able to multi-select and delete Price History items to fix historic reporting. Administrator access to Items is required to access this functionality.


Periodic Accounting - The Inventory Movement was posted to the Ledger in reverse (Decrease was posted as Increase and vice versa)

Bulk Email - The Find Panel filters were changed from 'Filter' to 'Search' and the function to multi-select was updated to work with a filtered list.

SM Notifications were updated to show the Reference instead of the Category.

Approvals: The Limit approval now works on the Total (exc. VAT) (Previously it worked on the Total (Inc VAT). 

Fixed: When you updated the Checklist from setups, it appeared that the dependencies were not updated because they were being selected from the Setups and not from the Transaction.

Digital Production: when a Task is copied in the digital Production module, the From field (Project ID) is now also copied to the new Task. The Item Description is now displayed by default in the Task edit form and will update the Transaction Reference. (Before it was the other way around)

The unfinished Cashflow module has been removed.