
Upgrade 22.01 (Beta) - Exe and Script - 18/01/2021

Flexo Tooling Enhancements

See https://sites.google.com/quickeasysoftware.com/bosenterprise-learning-centre/estimating/Flexo-Engineering

  • General Settings have been added to populate the lookup lists Material, Material Type, Application, etc.

  • Required fields - A number of required fields, per the product type, have been added to the warning when blank. The Warning field can be used in the Checklist to prevent further processing of the transaction.

Work Processes - Enhancements

  • The Description is no longer hyperlinked when a URL has not been added.

  • A Supplier field has been added for Outsourced Processes.

  • A Group button has been added to easily group, collapse and expand the grid view.


  • Fixed: The email form would in certain cases pop up behind the main application form.

  • Fixed: The horizontal scrollbar was not displaying in the Production module Boards

  • Fixed: The Done button in the Ledger was not working correctly.

  • Fixed: An error was returned when the Change Assembly/Material/Service function was executed on an estimate.

  • Fixed: The Transaction lookup in the Linked Transactions module was not working.