
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 03/05/2022


CSM Enhancements - See CSM Documentation

Meter Data Enhancements - See Meter Data

  • The Meter Data grid view has been removed from Items in favour of a View Meter Data button that opens the new Meter Data module.

Transactions - Entity - If a User is linked to an Entity, the Transactions will also be locked to that Entity. Previously this only applied to a Transaction being linked to an Entity.

Transactions - Contract Billing - A Transaction Setting has been added to enable the Contract Billing functionality. Currently, that includes fields: Read DoM and Bill DoM

Transactions - Hide Data Filter - This setting has been moved from the Transactions Options to Settings > Roles > Default: Hide Data Filter (Default = No) - When this setting is No, you no longer have an option to show the data filter.

Item Dashboard/Summary - User Access - The User Access to the Item Dashboard has been changed to None, User, Administrator. Default = None.

Inventory Reporting Module - Location access - The Location Filter will now only display Locations which are linked to the User's Entity. If the User is not linked to an Entity, all the Locations will be available.

Stock Check - Import/Export - Functionality has been added to Export and Import a Stock Check using a .CSV file. This makes it easy to add an opening Stock Check without adding Stock records to Items.

Pricing - Fixed Qty - A Fixed Qty field has been added to Pricing and to Transaction Items. See Pricing for an example of how it can be used.

Custom Reports - Color - Functionality has been added to add custom colour to column backgrounds.


  • Fixed: When you set the filter Date on a Custom Report, the change was not posted if you hadn't exited the date control.

  • Optimisation - The View Serial Numbers menu item has been removed from the Transaction Item's popup menu.

  • The Back button has been removed from the Reporting module. ie. a Custom Report opened as a module.

  • Fixed a bug in the procedure that links the Inbox Emails to a Type.