Actions - Create New Record


This Action is used to create new Records in the following Modules:

  • Customers

  • Suppliers

  • Classes

  • Transaction

  • Workflow

The module in which the new record is created needs to be listed in the Menu. The SQL will identify the Menu Item and the Menu will indicate the Module type. The Action will open the Module and Create a New record using the standard functionality in the module.


  • Add an Item to the Action

  • In the Type column, select Create a New Record

  • Add a Description for reference purposes

  • Right-click and select Edit SQL

  • Click the Template button to generate the basic SQL required for this Action item.


The Input Parameters that can be used in the SQL differ according to the module that the Action is linked to. The Parameter list can be found in the left panel of the SQL Editor.

SQL Template

/* MENUITEMID: This is the ID of the Menu Item that will be opened */