
Breaking Changes

The Planning Board module now only supports a single Planning Board - previously you were able to set up multiple Planning Boards linked to different transactions. Please ensure that you only have 1x Planning Board in the database before executing this upgrade.


CRM - The Selling Unit Price (Unit Sell for Qty 1) linked to the base Unit has been added to the Inventory view.

Planning Board Enhancements - See Planning Board

  • Stage Setup: A field has been added for Tracking, used in the Tracker > Timekeeping > Planning Board mode. Options include Setup, Run and Washup.

  • The Planning Board module now only supports a single Planning Board that can be updated from multiple Transaction types.

  • The Planning Board Settings are now opened from the Menu (button) in the Planning Board module.

  • The Actual and Cumulative times are no longer explicit fields that are updated - instead, the values are calculated when selected. This helps to prevent lock conflict errors in a multi-user environment.

  • Multiple grouped views have been added to the WiP/Summary grid view.

Timekeeping Enhancements - See Timekeeping

  • A Tracking field has been added which is populated by a fixed lookup. Options include Setup, Run, Washup and Downtime.

  • Fields have been added to record Qty Completed and Qty Spoiled.

  • The Production Codes field is now hidden if the lookup is empty.

Production Module Enhancements

  • Timekeeping - The Task can now be selected in the Timekeeping edit form. When the timekeeping record has been stopped, you can now Start a new timekeeping record without closing the form. We've also added Actions to Unstop or Delete a Timekeeping record.

  • Tasks - Actions have been added to the Task edit form to:

    • Add to Items - Select an Item Category and create a new Item

    • Update linked Item - Updates the linked Item.

Enhancements - BE Client renamed to Tracker

  • The BEClient.exe app has been renamed Tracker.exe (Client was a misleading name).

  • The BECLIENT.INI file has also been renamed to TRACKER.INI - you can easily create the .ini file using Settings in the Tracker exe.

  • Tracker (The Tracker module inside the App) has been renamed Timekeeping and no longer supports the offline mode.

  • A Planning Board Timekeeping module has been added to the Tracker - see Planning Board

See documentation at: Tracker


Fixed: VAT Control: The VAT No column in the Statement was displaying the Acc No.

Fixed: When a Default = Output setting existed in the Transaction Item Status list, the Item Status was assigned to the Header when the Transaction was Output (This only occurred in some older databases created before the Output default was removed from Item Statuses).

Fixed: When a Transaction Item (Type = ITM) was copied to a transaction that uses Estimates, the BoM was duplicated when the Item (Type = ITM ) was converted to Type = EST.

Fixed: When you copied a Transaction to a new Transaction, the Transactions listed in the Links button were not correctly refreshed.