

Items - The trigger that automatically updates the Item Description from the data type fields has been removed in favour of using the Description Format functionality in Item Classes. This prevents Item Descriptions from being cleared when the Class linked to an Item Category is changed.

Weighbridge - The User Access for the Weighbridge module has been changed from Y/N to None, View Only and Full Access.

Cost of Sales - Footer and Group Summaries have been added to the Est/Act/Var Qty fields in the Items View.

Transactions - The Contract Billing > Serviced by field has been added to transaction Batch Updates.

Inventory - Replenishment View - the default Date filter has been changed to No Date.

Ledger - An Actions button has been added to the Edit View. Action on the dropdown menu include

Timekeeping Enhancements 

NCR Enhancements

An Action has been added to create and link a new Transaction (eg. Work Order for Remake) from an NCR. The quantity is automatically set from the NCR quantity. If the Remake transaction is manually created, it can still be linked to the NCR. Costs that are linked to the Remake Transaction will be added to the NCR. 


Fixed: When a new Item was created, the Status was blank (This bug was introduced in the last upgrade).

Linked Transactions on the Links button dropdown menu are now ordered by Entry Type and then by Date.

Fixed: The Save Grid functionality was only working on the Default View in the Inventory Reporting module. 

Fixed: When an Estimate was updated from an Item Costing, the ASM items in the costing were not expanded.

Fixed: When a default inventory Location was not linked to a Transaction, but the Item was only linked to a single location, the Location was not selected by default in the Estimate Resolve Items.

Fixed: When an Estimate Item on a Transaction was copied, you were not able to change the quantity on the Copy dialogue.

Fixed: The [] Desc setting on the Item was overriding the [] Desc setting on the Item Costing.

Fixed: Production - When a Timekeping record was linked to a Task that was not assigned to the user, the Task and Customer were not displayed.