

Item Dashboard - A Unit Price (Stock) field has been added, hidden by default. This field displays the Stock Price at the date of the Transaction. The Unit Price (Base) field has been updated to display the price for the Base Unit in Local Currency - previously, it was not converted to Local Currency.

NCR - You are now able to link an NCR to both a Customer and a Supplier - previously, you were only able to link an NCR to one Company: Customer or Supplier, depending on the Type.  The Customer and Supplier groups can be turned on/off in the Sections lookup. The Trans - Rework transaction lookup is now available on Supplier NCR Types.

Production - Timekeeping - When you stop an active Timekeeping record in the Production module, you are now able to edit the End Date as long as it doesn't exceed the current time. This can be used to rectify timekeeping records that you forgot to stop.

Planning Board - Busy tasks are now excluded from being automatically set to ready when the previous task is completed.

Transactions - Inventory Issue Items: The Unit Price now uses the generic procedure to get the Stock Price. 

Service Manager - A Date field (Date as Month Year) has been added to the Listview - eg. Jan 2023. The Last (d) is now set to blank and the Open (d) is now set to the days between Date Created and the last Response on Complete or Cancelled SMs.

Sales Opportunity (SLS) Enhancements

Cost of Sales - Ledger transactions can now be allocated as Expenses to Projects (Transactions) - see: https://sites.google.com/quickeasysoftware.com/bosenterprise-learning-centre/reports/costofsales 

Pricing - Inventory Prices Enhancements

When a new Inventory Location is automatically added, the Stock Unit Price is set according to the following rules:


Fixed: The Req Date field on the Transactions Listview was sometimes incorrectly highlighted in red.

Fixed: When a Menu Item was deleted in the Menus module, the Menu was not updated.

Fixed: Custom Reports - when a filter was changed, and the View button was executed without exiting the filter (e.g. by clicking Enter), the filter was not updated with the selected value.

Fixed: The Checklist grid (top-right) was displayed on Transactions Edit Form after all the Checklist items for the Transaction had been deleted. 

Fixed: When an Approval action failed, the 'Role' was referenced in the confirmation message - it should be 'User'.

The redundant Dock Left and Dock Right menu Items have been removed.