

Ledger - Receipts/Credits etc. - The Clear Overpayment and Discount Outstanding functions are only available on local currency transactions. The Record Forex Gain/Loss functions are only available on foreign currency transactions.

Customer Addresses - Functionality has been added to add addresses using the fields: Line 1, Line 2, City, State/Province, Country, and Code. These fields will automatically update the address field and you still have the option to update the Address field directly.

Customer Contacts - Can now be linked to a Location (Customer address).

Items - Customer Location - Items can now be linked to a Customer Location - if the Category is set to display the Customer field.

Contacts - Filters have been added for All, Customers, Suppliers and Staff. The Customer Contact Location field has been added to the gridview, hidden by default.

Email - Create Emailshot - The look and feel has been updated and Find panels have been added to gridviews.

Assets - Location fields for Department and Staff have been added. Staff is a lookup, Department is a text field with a MRU lookup.

Transactions - Open (d), Last (d) fields have been added to the List view, hidden by default. d = days.

Transactions - Est Resolve Items - Batch update functionality has been added for Location

Transaction - Signed Docs - Captions have been added to the images to make them easier to identify

Inventory Module Enhancements

  • A Unit Price % has been added to display the difference in the Opening and Closing Unit Price.

  • An Exceptions filter has been added to highlight: Items without Unit Price, Price Variance > 5% and Negative Stock Qty

Transactions - Checklists - Data Pipelines have been added for checklists linked to a Transaction:

  • Trans_Checklist_All - Displays all the checklist items

  • Trans_Checklist_Manual - Displays the Manual Checklist Items

Budgets Enhancements & fixes

  • Status Note and Description fields have been added - the Description is automatically populated when it's blank.

  • All the header fields now remain editable, even after Items have been added to the Budget.

  • Accounting Budget - The Add function has been updated to add only Income Statement or Balance Sheet accounts to a Budget. Functionality has been added to drilldown to the Ledger - detailed ledger for the Budget period.

  • An Email Excel item has been added to the Menu.

  • Functionality has been added to drilldown to Customer/Supplier Summaries.

  • Chart View - when viewing Accounting Budgets, you now have to select an Item (Account) - the All option is meaningless for the Accounting Budgets.

Bank Reconciliation module (New) - See https://sites.google.com/quickeasysoftware.com/bosenterprise-learning-centre/accounting/bank-reconciliation

Planning Boards - Enhancements

  • Only the Estimate Services model will be supported going forward.

  • The look-and-feel of the Planning Board task layout has been improved.

  • Edit Task has been updated to View/Edit Job and now contains details of the entire job.

  • Settings: The [COMPONENT] parameter has been changed to [ASSEMBLY]


Fixed: An incorrect value was assigned to the VATITEMID parameter when changing a Material in the Estimate. An error was fixed in the procedure TRANS_SELECT_ITEMS used to change materials in Estimates - the bug would sometimes cause a 'multiple records in singleton select...' error.

Fixed: The Batch Update / Edit functionality on Transaction Items was enhanced to improve performance.

Fixed: The Popup menu on Linked Transactions was not showing the context menu. The Group summaries were updated for all currency fields.

Fixed: The Description in Budgets was not sorting correctly when lookup fields were used. The ID column s hidden by default.

Fixed: The Clear Overpayment/Discount Outstanding/Forex Gain/Loss functions in the Ledger were not in all cases assigning the same Entity as on the Receipt/Invoice.

Fixed: The Estimating function to Update from Item Costing was not deleting items from the Estimate if they had been deleted from the Costing.

Fixed: The WiP column in the CAA/SAA was not respecting the Entity filter.

The width of the Currency fields in the Items module is no longer locked.

The Hikvsion > Serial No. Import functionality has been updated to improve performance.

The Unit Price/Cost fields in the Items module now display 4 decimals by default.