

A number of Workticket and Routing Form models are supported for various industries.  Below we describe each Workticket and how the Items need to be setup to make it work.

Workticket grouped by Service 

In this model, a Workticket is generated for each distinct Service found in the Estimate items of a Transaction. The Code on Services is used to order the Services. Ideally, the code will be prefixed by numbers that make it easy to insert Items. For example, in an Engineering environment you might use the following model:

Data Pipelines

The Data pipelines used for this model are:

Workticket grouped by Assemblies

This model allows you to group the Workticket by Assemblies in the Estimate. The Assembly name for the Root item is derived from the Transaction Item.

Data Pipelines

The Data pipeline used for this model are: Est_Components