Goods Received (GR)


The Goods Received (GR) module is used to Receive goods that were purchased from your Suppliers. Shipping and Clearing costs, also known as Landing Costs, must be allocated to the GR so that your inventory accurately reflects the total cost of the Items. Item Costs are updated using the Weighted Average Costing method. Ideally you would make a GR for each separate delivery which makes it easy to allocate the Landing Costs.

Item Cost Prices are updated when the GR status is set to Complete at which time the GR then becomes read-only to prevent further updates. Cost Prices are used to generate the Selling Prices in the Pricing Module, so it's important that they are managed properly. When a GR is set back to Active or Pending, the Cost Price updates are not reversed. They will, however, be updated again when the GR is set back to Complete, which can cause undesirable results, especially if Items have since been Issued. It is therefore important to make sure that a GR is 100% correct before you set it to Complete.


You will need to record the new Serial numbers of the items that are received against the GR transaction. For this to work, you need to add the following setting: Settings > Transaction Types > Default: Use Serialized Stock = Receive

How to create a Goods Receive Transaction from a Purchase Order (PO)

  • Make sure the Items and Prices on the PO are correct.

  • Open the PO and click Actions > Copy to Goods Received.

Allocate the Landing Costs

The Supplier Invoices that contain the Landing Costs must be allocated to a GR transaction to update the Cost Price of the Items. The Landing Costs are apportioned to the GR Items by value.

  • Open the GR and select Menu > Landing Costs > Allocate Landing Costs

  • Select the Supplier Invoice and click Next

  • Select the Supplier Invoice Items that must be allocated and click Next

  • Select the GR Items to which the Invoice must be allocated and click Allocate to complete the process.