22/04/2024 (Fixes)


Fixed: Inventory Report - an 'arithmetic exception...' report was returned when the value of an item exceeded 18 characters

Fixed: Cost Centre Wizard - The equipment value was calculated incorrectly when a value of Years = 0 was entered - 0 is no longer allowed in the Years field.

Fixed: Accounts setup - an AV error was returned when you filtered on an empty category.

Fixed: Digital Production - Board (Operators) - Tasks were displayed in the Unallocated column even though they had been allocated.

Fixed: You were not able to delete transaction Notes when they were displayed in the side panel.

Fixed: VAT Control - Credit Notes that were zero-rated, were not displayed as negative values in the Transactions grid view.

Fixed: when you sorted or filtered the Ledger Outstanding grid view, you were not able to select and allocated specific records (Sorting and filtering has now been disabled)

Financials - The captions for Accruals, Errors, Pending have been abbreviated.

Estimating - The component field of Root Items are now named according to the Item type (Material, Service, etc.) or to 'Other' if the item is a custom item. (Previously the component name defaulted to 'Other'.

Pump Selector Fixes

Fixed: The Efficiency Chart was in certain cases not vertically aligned to the other charts

Created a new Pump Data template that does not display images. (Added Template to .../Customers/Elsumo/Templates folder)

Pump Selector Algorithm changes: